Roomba not Connecting to Wi-Fi? Easy Fixes for Robot Vacuum

In this article we'll give tips on what to do if Roomba not connecting to wi-fi - from instructions on proper connection settings to common problems solution
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iRobot has made vacuuming easier and more convenient. Models such as Roomba that are capable of Wi-Fi connectivity allow you to operate the hands-free smart devices and schedule cleaning sessions through the iRobot app. However, you might experience issues with your Roomba not connecting to Wi-Fi at times. This can be frustrating since without wireless connectivity, you can neither use the mobile app nor your voice through Alexa and Google assistant to access the smart features and control the robot vacuum.

We will discuss the different approaches you can take to diagnose and restore connection as the problem could be originating from your router or network as well as from the vacuum itself.

How to Connect Roomba to Wi-Fi?

The iRobot app allows you to monitor and operate your vacuum cleaner from anywhere. It also allows you to schedule automated cleaning sessions and to choose and adjust settings, making Roomba models the best vacuum for pet hair because you can use them regularly and operate them remotely.

If your Roomba e5, i3, i4, i7 or i8 is not connecting to Wi-Fi, check the network details such as the password and SSID, and confirm that you have installed the iRobot app from the app store or play store. You can also use the wizard to configure the robot vacuum’s web-based settings on a computer.

Launch the app on your Android or iOS device and create an account if it’s your first time or log into your existing account.

Select your device and the home station. Your device will connect the Wi-Fi network your phone uses. You can switch to a different Wi-Fi network by entering the new network password.

Hold down the home and target buttons on your Roomba and release them after you hear a tone.

Check the app for a message confirming that the device is connected successfully.

How to check connection?

An error screen displaying iRobot app not connecting to your Wi-Fi will appear. Check that the robot vacuum and the charging station are placed in a space with excellent Wi-Fi coverage and that the Roomba lights are blinking. You can also test Wi-Fi and internet connectivity with other devices and other Wi-Fi networks to establish whether the culprit is your Roomba or home network.

If all is well, the app will show the name of the mobile device and the Wi-Fi network it is connected to.

Why Roomba won’t Connect to Wi-Fi?

There are a number of reasons that your Roomba won’t connect to Wi-Fi. Although you can find the best robot vacuums under $200 that will make affordable replacements, don’t be quick to write off your Roomba before taking the following steps to diagnose the problem. You must identify the issue correctly to be able to resolve it using the appropriate steps. We have discussed the various causes as well as the troubleshooting tips that will help you to fix the problem.

Check Wi-Fi signal

If the iRobot app is not connecting to your home network, the first step is to check the Wi-Fi signal. Sometimes your Wi-Fi network might be working but the signal is too weak to register and connect a new device. Place another device near the home base and try to connect it to the internet by using the same Wi-Fi network as your Roomba. This will let you know if your network is active and if it has a strong signal.

If you cannot connect another device to the internet, then you need to fix your Wi-Fi network.

Unplug the router and reboot it after 15 seconds, then try to reconnect your Roomba.

In case of a weak signal, check the number of appliances that are connected to the network because a large number would limit the bandwidth. Remove the devices that you rarely use.

Also, ensure that both the home base and router are in close proximity to your Roomba to strengthen the signal, and that the router is placed in an open area with minimal obstructions.

Next, consider updating your router to the newer Wireless AC that has a higher speed and can accommodate multiple appliances better than Wireless G or Wireless A model.

If you find Roomba is connecting to Wi-Fi stuck during initial setup, another way you can make the Wi-Fi signal stronger is by using boosting accessories such as updating the antenna with RP-SMA extension cable or by using an external Wi-Fi extender or second router that increases capacity for more devices.

Check if device is powered on

Roomba not Connecting to Wi-Fi? Easy Fixes for Robot Vacuum

This might sound obvious and silly but some owners could forget to power on the device since some of these energy-saving appliances Trusted Source The cost of convenience: robot vacuums require more energy than you think | Yale Environment Review Past generations predicted that the 21st century would be filled with exciting technologies. Self-driving cars, door locks managed by smartphones, and automated household appliances fulfill their futuristic vision. do not have clear signs that they are switched on.

Confirm that the home base is connected to a power outlet, the robot vacuum is sitting on the home base and the Roomba lights are working. If they are not, press the “Clean” button and then try to reconnect the device to resolve Roomba won’t connect to Wi-Fi issues.

Put home base close to router

A quick and easy way to solve Roomba not connecting to Wi-Fi network because of weak signal is to ensure the router is close to the home base, preferably in the same room.

To strengthen the signal in a multistory setup, the router should be directly below the base station because Wi-Fi signals move from the top to the bottom.

The closer the router is to the home base, the more bandwidth the dock station will transmit to your Roomba.

Roomba factory reset

A factory reset is an effective method to remedy Roomba is connecting to Wi-Fi stuck problem. A factory reset is different from a reboot which retains your app data, including logins and user preferences. When you perform a factory reset, it resets the internal memory and clears components that might be shuffled in the circuitry and you might have to repeat the set up process afterwards.

The reboot and factory reset procedures differ according to the type of Roomba model. We will explain the correct steps for different Roomba vacuums.

Roomba 500 series: To reboot the device, hold down both the Dock and Spot Clean buttons for 10 seconds, and then release them. You will hear a chime that signifies the reboot process is complete.

Roomba 600 series: The reboot process is similar to that of 500 series. For a soft reset, hold down the Home, Spot Clean and Clean buttons simultaneously and release them after you hear a beeping tone. This is one of the best ways to fix Roomba 675, 692 and 694 models not connecting to Wi-Fi issue. iRobot Roomba 694 which is part of this series features a 3-stage cleaning system and comes with two multi-surface brushes for versatile floor types.

Roomba 700, 800 series: The reset process is the same as 600 series. To reboot, hold down the Clean button for approximately 10 seconds and then release it. You will hear a chime to indicate the device has been reset.

Roomba 900 series: Follow the same procedure for 800 series to reboot this model. For a soft reset that will retain all your user data, hold down the Home, Clean and Spot Clean buttons simultaneously and release them after you see the light ring. The device will restart.

Roomba S and I series: The factory reset process is the same as the one used for 900 series. However, the rebooting steps are different. Hold down the Clean button for approximately 20 seconds and then release it. The light ring will glow white and then stop glowing after rebooting is complete. I series vacuum cleaners come with advanced features that are ideal for pet hair, carpets and hard floors. For instance, the power-lifting suction of iRobot Roomba i3 EVO is 10x that of a Roomba 600 series model.

The difference between a soft reset and a hard reset is that the latter erases all your user data from the device, app and cloud storage. Open the iRobot app, select Settings and then select Factory Reset to do a hard reset.

Roomba not Connecting to Wi-Fi? Easy Fixes for Robot Vacuum

Switch to 2Ghz network

If your iRobot app is not connecting to the internet, check that you are using a 2.4Ghz network which works on all Roomba models or a wireless router with both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz network which are compatible with Roomba I series models. According to the National Museum of American History Trusted Source Roomba Robot Vacuum Cleaner | National Museum of American History This mobile robot for vacuuming floors is a first-generation Roomba, a widely successful domestic robot. , Roomba has been on the market since 2002. Some of the older models cannot connect to 5Ghz network. If your Roomba is not connecting to Wi-Fi, go to the app and switch the network to 2.4Ghz frequency. Even if your model supports 5Ghz, we recommend connecting your device to 2.4GHz during set up and then adding or switching to 5Ghz frequency, if you wish, after the setup is complete.

Check requirements for your Roomba model

As we stated earlier, older Roomba 600 series models are not compatible with 5Ghz, unlike the latest Roomba i7, i8 and S9 which connect to Wi-Fi networks with 2.4GhZ as well as 5GhZ frequencies. Braava jet m6 which is one of the best robot mops is also compatible with both 2.4GhZ and 5GhZ network configurations.

You might also consider changing your router’s security settings from WPA3 to WPA2 or WPA3 Transitional if your iRobot app is not connecting to the network.

Final Thoughts

iRobot, which makes Roomba robot vacuums, was founded in 1990 by three MIT roboticists. The first Roomba was marketed in 2002 and the brand has become widely successful with home owners. You can connect these smart devices to your Android or iOS phone and use the iRobot app to monitor and operate your Roomba. The app saves your logins and user preferences and also allows you to select and change settings. However, one of the most common complaints is about Roomba not connecting to Wi-Fi. As we have seen, most of these issues are easy to fix as long as you diagnose them correctly and follow the step-by-step instructions in our guide.


The cost of convenience: robot vacuums require more energy than you think | Yale Environment Review
Past generations predicted that the 21st century would be filled with exciting technologies. Self-driving cars, door locks managed by smartphones, and automated household appliances fulfill their futuristic vision.
Roomba Robot Vacuum Cleaner | National Museum of American History
This mobile robot for vacuuming floors is a first-generation Roomba, a widely successful domestic robot.
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